Prayers/Red ink stamps/Charm
Oyama Afuri Shrine offers a variety of prayers to accompany every wish, and a wide range of red ink stamps and charms are available.
We offer prayers for the fulfillment of your wishes. Families, companies, and groups are always welcome to visit the shrine for ascension. Please contact us if you have any questions about formal visitation, kagura performances, or other matters. If it is difficult to purify your car or go up the mountain to pray, the Shrine Office at the foot of the mountain will accept your request.
※Prayer fee: from 5,500 yen
The contents of
- 家内安全
- 商売繁盛
- 交通安全
- 身体健全
- 厄年安平
- 心願成就
- 合格祈願
- 学業成就
- 社内安全
- 社運隆盛
- 工事安全
- 祈必勝
- 厄難消除
- 病気平癒
- 方位除
- 七五三詣
- 初宮詣
*Download the prayer application form and the worship application form.
Red ink stamps (Goshuin)
Red ink stamps are distributed at Afuri Shrine Shimosha (Lower Shrine), Summit Honsha (Main Shrine), and Shrine Office at the foot of the mountain. Seasonal red ink stamps representing the nature of Mt. Oyama in each of the four seasons are also available.

Red ink stampsNijusha
Red ink stampsSengensha
Red ink stampsHonsha
Red ink stampsOiwakesha
Red ink stampsThe Bureau of
Social AffairsKatsu Kaishu Shrine
Red ink stamps
The shinsatsu (talismans), amulets, ema (votive horse tablets), etc. are distributed at the Shimosa Charm Office. We also accept mailing of charms, so please contact us if you are interested.

It is the most basic amulet to ward off bad luck, and is said to protect against misfortune. It is called a hadamamori because it is carried on the person's skin.

This amulet is modeled after the Oyama custom of "Osamedachi". It is believed to open the way to luck and cut off evil spirits.
Tengu kaiun yakuyoke

This amulet is modeled after the Oyama custom of "Osamedachi". It is believed to open the way to luck and cut off evil spirits.

(Tengu good luck warding off evil traffic safety charm)
An amulet of the Great Tengu, who is believed to reside in Mt. Oyama. The Tengu of Mt. Oyama is said to be one of the eight great Tengu, and is said to protect the body from various disasters and accidents and bring good luck.

This amulet is modeled after the owl of Mt. Oyama. It is believed to invite good fortune and keep it on you.

This amulet contains the wish that people will be able to spend their days in good health. There are two types: the fresh green that represents the fresh green of Mt. Oyama and the one that represents the view.

Mt. Oyama is said to be a mountain of success in life and is believed to bring blessings for success in life. This amulet is a manifestation of the shrine's divine virtues and is decorated with the lion of the Afuri Shrine.

The amulet is rooted in the history of Mt. Oyama, which has a strong connection with the arts and has been the subject of Kabuki and Ukiyoe woodblock prints. It is decorated with a fan from the Oyama Noh play and a dokugaku from a craft, and is believed to have the divine power to improve skills and techniques.
(Goshuin note)

Three types are available: the shrine pavilion of the Afuri Shrine and Mt. Shishiyama, the four seasons of Mt. Oyama and Oyama Dokugaku, and a dedicated version based on an ukiyoe woodblock print.
And many more
We offer Shinto ceremonies in the sacred area of Mt Oyama. Please refer to the affiliated websites listed on the left.
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